This page will list some very rare tomes, not just sports cards books but all types of very rare books for sale from esoteric grimoires to rare catalogues. Insured & registered postage will be added automatically, at checkout
1 st Book 2019, 304 pgs, 2000 pix, click pic here & then the link to order from various suppliers
£0.00 -
1880-1980 sports cards, the 2nd book, 2021, click pic then click link to order from various sellers
£0.00 -
1895 W G Grace Sunlight Soap Lever Bros Sports Year Book soccer cycling rugby
£400.00 -
1934 soccer bible Football Who's Who Bloomer to Meredith & 1000's more!
£75.00 -
1962 Pele nr-MINT Stella card, sharp, clean centered small type +blotch as printed - coin to scale
£0.00 -
1974 rookie Bjorn Borg Sport Vedettes #202 Panini original clean and unused 1st-ever Borg!
£0.00 -
1985 Cricket cards catalogue Derek Deadman over 250 pages of pix & info on cricketing rarities
£75.00 -
1993 Alan Harris & Geoff Seymour "Cricket Cigarette and Trade Cards" book 100+ pages priceless
£65.00 -
1993 catalogue "A Century of Golf Cards a Pictorial History of the Game" Berdock & Baier
£135.00 -
1993 Derek Hurst 40 Love tennis cigarette and trade cards
£75.00 -
1994 Price Guide to Golf Cards book by Philip Smedley and Bruce Berdock - invaluable!
£0.00 -
1995 1st Edition DELUXE 1 of 36 original QUTUB slipcase ANDREW CHUMBLEY ex-series FULGUR ¼ morocco
£900.00 -
2008 "CONJUNCTIO" L/E of 614 Fulgur grimoire Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule DW HB
£0.00 -
2010 BOXED David Beth # 1 / 81 sigil-art deluxe Red Leather VOUDON GNOSIS Fulgur book
£0.00 -
2011 POMBA GIRA & the Quimbanda Mbùmba Nzila SCARLET IMPRINT 453 / 769 FRISVOLD Nicholaj De Mattos
£175.00 -
2012 DELUXE Circles of Power by John Michael GREER Salamander GOLDEN DAWN #23 L/E of 66 + 2 inserts
£900.00 -
2012 SCORPION GOD Forbidden Wisdom of Belial by Mark Alan Smith Primal Craft L/E 999 grimoire
£0.00 -
2013 Qliphoth Esoteric Opus 2 Flesh Totems Mask Bones by Edgar Kerval Aeon Sophia number 88 of 141