Exotically rare 1924-26 cards from London's East End
1921 Bunsen proof #401 Jimmy Wilde World Champion Ring HOF The Greatest Flyweight Boxer Ever ROOKIE
£0.00 -
1921 Harold Abrahams early Barratt card AND a plain-back Bunsen RARE PAIR!
£500.00 -
1921 legendary athlete Chariots of Fire Harold Abrahams 303 Bunsen confectionery
£0.00 -
1922 Bunsen Bob McNeil Chelsea & Scotland 611 Bunsen Confectionery trade card of great rarity
£175.00 -
1922 Bunsen Confectionery #302 track field Evelyn Montague 3 Mile Crack athlete Chariots of Fire
£0.00 -
1922 Bunsen Confectionery 608 Bradshaw Arsenal black/white type
£190.00 -
1922 Bunsen Confectionery 615 Baker Arsenal black
£190.00 -
1922 Bunsen confectionery Alex Graham Arsenal Scotland Brentford Hamilton
£0.00 -
1922 Bunsen confectionery Archie Roe Arsenal Castleford Gillingham Lincoln South Shields Wednesday
£0.00 -
1922 Bunsen proof #302 Montague track & field legend "Chariots of Fire" Jesse Owens journalist
£150.00 -
1922 G W Irwin Crystal Palace Bunsen sepia series 700 football card, a top rarity!
£140.00 -
1922 H Dreyer Crystal Palace Bunsen sepia series football card of the highest order a top rarity